kara and mon el fanfiction fluff

Our troops are still rallying and we need to go out there together if we want a good chance at taking him down., But I can slow him down! Kara pleads, stepping backward and ready to burst out the door. Hearing it click, like the end of a cassette tape once it has met its end. And I cant blame her for that one, Kara says, stroking Jonathons head. I dont want to interrupt, but I just wanted to thank you again for welcoming me. An image of Lena in her office at L-Corp plays, going over papers at her desk. You were the only family I had. You make me want to be better, he drawls, rubbing his thumb across her knuckles. Though she wasnt feeling very mighty. Lena stands on a stage outside of L-Corp at a podium, an audience of reporters and media journalists snapping her picture and filming. It depends on how much you have, Kate., The bat smiles, taking a small step back so she can take in Alexs full image. And then there was the ring. And if theres anything that screams humanity, its letting a few tears loose. There is no we in the second part of that sentence.. Alex tsks at her, then pulls back her arm and connects her knuckles with Karas mouth. You too, Alex. A friendship was blossoming within the Paragons. William? Era o Mon-El mas em uma verso do passado . And, he managed to put color into it.. Can I please just say goodbye to him? Her tears flow, eyes squinting and mouth blubbering. Every step of the way. Look, I know you believe he doesnt hold an ounce of love for you anymore, but trust me when I say he does. I see the DEO has been treating you well. She subtly points at Alexs suit. And she did. And again, its all at your hands. Or should I say, Kara?, Kara grinds her teeth. Has he contacted you at all?, Lena watches her with a puzzled expression. Oh, my God. Her hands had never been cold. Is it bad that I wish I was? Abruptly, his arm reaches out and grabs her bicep, pulling her to him. And tell Mon-El her voice cracks when she gets to him, knowing he will be heartbroken when he finds out about her death. Lena turns quickly, her hand hanging heavily at her side as she holds a deadly device. She pulls, pushes, heaves, but the beam doesnt give. That was the biggest difference between them. Home. You are an alien. Why are you here? Well, I know he certainly missed you. The plan. Alex shakes her head, turning around to Jonn. Mais l'homme tait dans lit, ses mains accrochaient son drap et le tirant maladroitement vers lui. Someone in the ship who is awake shoots and yells something in Saturnian and then Kara discovers it is Mon-El. Refuel. Alex hands her a bottled water and walks past her. We might have to stay married because of the planets, but that is just a label. I think its worth a shot.. This is why I asked you to talk. She swings her legs over the side of the gurney and almost smacks them right into Jonn, who also sleeps against her. Can you please be quieter, Kara, she whispers. She doesnt ever have to physically ascend a great height to appreciate the view, able to float in the sky and take it in. But I cant do this knowing youre married. When she first left, Alex figured it would last a day, at most. I can see how this is one of your interesting little places. Kara is what keeps her sane, what keeps her at bay and tethers her to something real. Lena wasnt like Kate. I know how persuasive she can be but you still override her on all levels. Jonn, Alex begins, glancing over at him as he watches the monitors for her vitals. They need me more than ever, even if Im in the shadows.. She takes Karas hands and pulls her off the stool, leading her over to the couch. Kara relaxes just the slightest, and she steps into her living room to make a phone call. Look at me, and feel me-. How dare you say no to me!. At least, thats what I realized when we came back here., So Kara pinches the bridge of her nose, unable to think clearly because of his touch and his truth. She peels off the sticky towel from her stomach, taking a moment to think. Only Mon-El recognizes his love, tears swimming in his eyes as he runs from Alexs side to Karas. Every civilian in the city believes in her. Well, I enjoy the new look. I need you to test a few toys for me. The work of Supergirl was not done. I want to clear this place.. James looks up at Alex as she gives him an apologetic look. I made a promise to myself that I would never trust you again, Kara. He gives her a secret smile, then leads her past chefs and cooks and waiters and busboys. With their little party further away, William turns to Kara who is staring intently at the game board, mapping out her next move. CatCo. Its Kara.. Are you okay? But I wouldnt take it back. She steps away, back into the center of the room. Believe me when I say I almost killed him again. Kara hesitates, catching her words. You?, I havent had the pleasure of dining, but I have stopped in. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Kara frowns at her, sticking out her bottom lip in exaggerated sympathy. I suppose. Kara shakes her head, wanting to laugh at how cold she can be at times. Alex grabs it from her and hovers it over Karas body, staring with wide eyes at the shards of bone floating in the heros torso. The problem is I dont know how to fix it, and with Lex here he adds more obstacles., Winn purses his lips, putting his hands on her shoulders. Im not a villain. An excellent actress. Alex catches her sisters eye and smiles wider, giving her a thumbs up. What can I do?, She draws a shaky breath in, her own tears beginning to fall. She would know she was being deceived. Her skin is riddled with goosebumps, and her face is wet and blotchy. We all did! Her shoulder was immensely sore, along with a burning gash on the side of her leg and a stiff torso, but she could move. You wanted more time, Im taking from it. His jaw quivers and his fists clench, shifting his weight on his heels. A cold-blooded, destined to fail, Luthor.. Alex, Lena greets, stepping aside so she can enter. Well, why dont you? 7 oclock, she tells him, ignoring his compliment. She just needed to discover it. He gingerly mimes walking with a limp and bobs his arm up and down, creating the illusion he is using the cane. She smiles at him. No! Lena scolds, pointing at her. The sun rose outside her window, and she didnt remember night coming or going. She stalks over to him, putting a hand on his chest and kissing his neck softly. She was a sister. Lena, you have to believe me. I never meant to humiliate you-, No. The Kryptonite could be injected and you wouldnt run the risk of getting hit.. Ever since he lost Russell, he had been craving a close human connection. Mon-El puts the firework back gently, then follows her to the outside. Okay. Through it, the small piece of wood he struggles with is attached to some metal inside. She had crossed the line Kara had made, and being with Lex trying to save humanity had only made her see the similarities between the siblings. Mon-Els eyes gloss over as he remembers the moment, the look on her face. But it ends too quickly when she hears Alex clear her throat. He looks up at her then closes his eyes, smiling. I wonder if Lex is up to this.. Her feet pad against the pavement, her heels swinging gingerly from Williams fingers. "Okay, I'll leave you here for a while. And by Lena being out of the loop, it meant Kara considered her as such. She stands just behind her, nervously wringing her hands and biting her lip, but theres a smile on her face. Ill ask again, my sweet daughter and Mon-El of Daxam. Her weight, the added muscle and alien make-up dont help with the ease of carrying her. We need to change peoples perspectives., Lena smiles, shaking her head. Now I get some special treatment, he explains, smiling shyly. Usually, she does her new ritual in private for fear of someone finding out and worrying for her. Barely. The knuckles turn white as they squeeze tighter, hair pulling and stinging at the scalp. With his world turned completely upside down, Jack struggles to find ground under his feet again. But she hides it too well, and he backs away defeated. You save it. He smiles, feeling the sun on his face and Karas warm fingers on his eyes. Oh, and Kara. Lena faces her friend. She wanted that again. But still, she cant think. I did nothing and youre the one who got shot. He huffs, shifting so hes sitting next to her. His hand slips away from her back, letting her step into her loft. Trying to pin the blame on the indestructible woman whos name saves people just by saying it. My mother has died twice. She will be on her own. You get back in that bed. You dont want to know how much that cost, Mxy says, tapping his ring finger. Director Danvers. A few childrens drawings are taped to the wall, and as she walks further into her home, she discovers a crib in the corner of her room. Maggie, she greets. I didnt know this place had carry-out, Kara says as they walk back through the alley. Yes, Kara Zor-El. She taps her knuckles on it, and Alex looks up from her tablet. I needed that, thank you., Anytime, Kate smiles. Not everyone, she mutters. He pulls out a revolver, aiming it between the heros eyes. Her guilt had grown on her so quickly the vines of her lies were crawling into her heart and making her believe that everything was truly right with the world. #aluradanversallen #amizade #amor #ao #barry #berryallen #chriswood #fanfic #fico #grantgustin #kara #karadanvers #karazor-el #karry #melissabenoist . His mouth falls open and he advances toward her, taking it from her gingerly. Alex takes a sip quickly, trying to ease her mind, and nestles the glass in her lap. Mon-El was alone for the first time on Earth. Are you?. You noticed how she doesnt have her sons on here anymore, right? Her hair is down, and it sways slowly in the breeze that floats in through her open windows. You keep looking at the door like youre waiting for someone. Thats what makes it so much worse., They both sit together for a moment, content in their silence before Lena breaks it. And just as quickly as the warm thoughts of her fantasy family arise, Mxys blue magic swirls around her, taking the crib and pictures of her life with it. She deserves to live out the rest of her days rotting in a cell, trapped with everything shes done. So smart. She tricked me into telling the truth. His voice comes out a whisper. If Alice had died and this Lena of yours never became your friend. What did she say?. I had to go through some things that I never thought I would, and its been challenging for me.. And that was what hurt Kara the most. So she huddles into him closer, enjoying the last few days of him pretending to love her for just a little while longer. But she knew that if they tried to find her, they would get killed. Its more than just me and Lena, you know., Or course. Supergirl doesnt kill. She would make no speech, no pep-talk for them. Lena tilts her head to the side. We decided to get married to help the planets, but now, Im realizing we dont have to be. Alexs hands have now become the same color as her wound, a sickening black that has crawled up her forearms. He catches her faraway look at the mention of the award. She sets the dog back in the crib, emerging from her room just as the door opens. We? Kara breathes, knowing he came with others. Being stuck in that pod for days with just her thoughts was nauseating. He observed me at work. Of course, he had lived with Kara apart from him when he first arrived, but she was always just a phone call away. I am making them better, Lena says, more softly. Ive been trying, but not hard enough. She sucks in a deep breath, then nudges her sister. But she did. No, not a chance. Kara falters, shifting on her feet. After several minutes, a familiar red and blue figure joins her on the balcony, keeping a significant ten-foot distance between them. She hurriedly wipes at her eyes, clearing her tears embarrassed. Alex was nervous, she had been pacing in front of the roundtable for the past fifteen minutes, wringing her hands and mumbling to herself. But I didnt get to for very long before he came to my house. Curiosity getting to her, she pulls down her glasses, using her x-ray vision to get a better look at his stick. With everything that happened? What happens to them then?. So close to Maggie being hers. What in the world He mumbles, turning it in his hands. This takes place when kara is sixteen and Alex eighteen monel is also sixteen Very well, Mxy obliges, shifting into his new form. She glances down at her dress and heels, then fixes her glasses with a touch of the frame. You never had to go through the experience of almost losing her. We got your signal that you needed help with a threat. I know it must be difficult, allowing a Daxamite on your planet., Not at all, Alura coos. Lena lets her, not fighting, and both women let their tears fall. Im sure youll feel better about this once you go home. He may have, but what would the people believe if it came out? She let herself get pushed around and tripped and spit on and cussed at. She had fooled the hero of National City. She nods, stepping closer to her and crouching down beside her. I simply dont care enough to go to such lengths to find proof to create an article., Kara puts her hands on her hips, not making eye contact with Cat as she taps her foot and thinks. It was because you missed Mon-El.. Your suit is very tight, Mon-El. He stands and takes her hands off her head, holding them. We had learned that Lex had gone behind your familys back and we discovered his real plans. Eventually, he got a job at the local bar my family was always at, so I couldnt really get rid of him. Lets tell her. Well, maybe its time for Clark to come back. And she will continue holding on as long as she needs. He releases her wrists and pulls away from her. The t-shirt with holes at the hem hed tug while she slept. Kara, we had to rescue you from an ice block with Kryptonite that she put you in. Kara fumbles around her loft, switching heels and dresses and earrings and necklaces. It crushes her into the pavement, squashing her just like all the other aliens that couldnt escape it. Kara and her mother stand in the room with Karas flower, a reconstruction of what their home looked like brings Kara back. Does she actually want to kill dragons? Kara is answered with a soft snore. She looks down at her sister and finds her completely asleep in her lap. So I need to keep it. A strong one, capable of a love that could bond sisters and go years without communication only to come together as if no time separated them. But I do want to know more about Supergirls love life. Puts them in order. I told her, Kara answers, stabbing the ice cream. Lena almost cries at the sound. Karas hour goes by and Alex wakes her up, shuffling her legs together that lay under her sister. And her eyes are too powerful to be staring into them. Thank you for stopping by. But withholding got the better of them, and a part of her really did want to be close with her friend again. Lena had watched as her brother was dying, suffering and wounded, before she eventually put him out herself. Yes. I cant wait to do it again.. I think its time for the fighter to be fought for, the holder to be held, and the lover to be loved.. That they could resolve whatever this was going on between them. After debating the agents statement, the President has decided that the DEO will not pursue finding Supergirls identity if she agrees to return to her position.. I tell you to do something you do it. She swipes a dirty palm over Karas cheeks which had begun to grow wet from a new set of tears that were not caused by the hammer. You will just leave the DEO and the ones you love behind., What makes you think I will listen to you?, He grits his teeth, his hand tightening into a fist. A collection of OneShots for the Arrowverse. She understood. Her laughter fades as she pages through the pitiful amount shes had. I had the life I always wanted, but you took it away. That was all. It was nice to see herself as a regular person. She turns to him. Her broken shoulder is tucked behind her head at an odd angle, her other arm stretched out perpendicularly from her body. is taking us to the DEO now, have everything ready for us., , Kara winces, then sighs. Floats in through her open windows he runs from Alexs side to Karas a hand his. Glances down at her, nervously wringing her hands off kara and mon el fanfiction fluff head, holding them sit together for a to. Them, and both women let their tears fall her own tears to. 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kara and mon el fanfiction fluff