foods and drinks that make your vag smell good

Avoid thongs. In fact, according to an article published in the journal. Foods that make your breath smell like urine could include foods that are high in sulfur such as aged cheeses, eggs, fish and smoked meats. In others, genetics may play a role in how food affects your body odor. It did! It's summery. The phytoestrogens in soy help keep your vagina lubricated, but don't go for the overly processed stuff like soy burgers or nuggets. Ensure that you eat or use natural, pure organic yogurt. Also, the caffeine can help to ease annoying PMS symptoms. All rights reserved. Foods that can beat the "fishy bacterial vaginosis" smell: Fenugreek seeds: Soak two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water overnight. (2016). This means that if you dont wash your clothes chances are your clothes will have a bad odor the next day. So, sign in RN to get your daily dose of wellness. Now, most dairy products are said to be terrible for your vaginas odour but yoghurt is an exception. He didn't taste like garlic, nor did his semen. Nutrition in gynecological diseases: Current perspectives. Anything that messes with the natural pH of the vagina, and therefore results in infection, will make the vagina taste worse. Cases of congenital syphilis a disease that occurs when a mother passes syphilis to their baby have tripled in recent years. Neem has also shown strength in stimulating body response of white blood cells that help fight disease-causing organisms in the body. My quest to determine whether the things you eat can really change your vagina wasn't about vaginas being unacceptable as they areagain, there's no need for healthy women to change the taste or smell down there. Shape reports that products in green tea may help to kill E. coli bacteria that can cause UTIs. But not overwhelmingly so, he says. Water. Rzepecki AK, et al. When you dont hydrate, everything gets concentrated. You know whats hot? In fact, several studies like the one published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition backs this claim. Vaginal douching is the process of cleaning your vagina with water or using a mixture of fluids. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. Heres what you need to know and when you should contact your doctor. Probiotics for preventing recurrent bacterial vaginosis. All rights reserved. And that can be sweet or sour, metallic, sharp or spiced, bitter or acidic. This libido-boosting fruit (yes, its a fruit!) And 10 Other Things You Should Know. Yogurt can help your vagina to smell better. Pro-tip: Think beyond guacamole! These potatoes have some sweet benefits, even for your vaginal health. You Might Not Be Hungry After a WorkoutBut You Should Still Eat Something, How to Stop a Sex Rut From Becoming a Full-On Sex Crater. Avocados for vaginal health. (2019). Drink lots of water as it helps flush out toxins, increases the lubrication of body fluids, and keeps your vagina bacteria-free. If you notice that your pee . If youve ever hit the gym after a night of drinking and smoking, you know alcohol and tobacco change the scent of your sweat. Wear cotton panties (and avoid thongs), 5. Such foods are best avoided. Plus, eating apples can also increase the probability of climaxing during sex. These also help your vagina smell better and maintain its health. Try drinking peppermint tea and then notice the difference in your vaginal smell. 1. 6. Use scented lube to smell good during sex, How to get rid of the fish vaginal smell fast, naturally. Ciebiera M, et al. Some foods can also make your urine more acidic, leading to a foul smell. Please ensure you take fermented yoghurt that contains live and active bacteria makes you taste different and sweet in your "area".Eat yoghurt and . Asparagus. With these eight bites for your bits, its easy to prioritize your vagina (and yourself). 6. Alcohol, broccoli, asparagus, dairy, red meat, onions and garlic can all affect the . Vaginal discharge can say a lot about your health. Mix 3% of hydrogen peroxide with a glass of water and use the solution in your bath or use a cotton wool to apply onto your armpits. Consider talking with a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions. 5. Wash your vagina is with plenty of water, rinsing and getting your fingers in there to clean away dirt and sweat. Speaking of consuming things that will make your vagina smell better, anything that will help to give your immune system a boost is always a good idea including foods that are loaded with Vitamin C. We avoid using tertiary references. Antioxidants in fertility: impact on male and female reproductive outcomes. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. What about asparagus, probably the most well-known pee odor-changer out there? The only possible way to make you taste good down there is by properly cleaning using plenty of water and a mildly scented soap (or no soap at all). We avoid using tertiary references. 11 best exercise bikes, expert-tested. And research shows that vulva owners who wear breathable skivvies have lower rates of BV compared to those who wear underwear made of synthetic materials. The taste of your vagina depends on your vaginal PH. Cigarettes, caffeine, red meat, onions, and garlic make it taste worse. Also, note that foods such as garlic have a strong aroma that can be easily carried in your sweat. What about washes, douches, and other hygiene products? Plus, they are acidic in nature and help maintain the pH of your vagina. Once taken as juice, pineapple helps kill bacteria present in the body and the vagina. #4. Sweet food that contains a lot of sugar or foods rich in yeast can often cause vaginal odor. And anyone who has heard about any joke about a vagina smelling, knows that fish is somewhere in the punchline. Smits RM, et al. Aayushi Gupta is a health writer with a special interest in trends related to diet, fitness, beauty and intimate health. Weve all heard or heeded the popular advice: Drink cranberry juice to treat UTIs. Packed with anti-oxidants that fight bacteria growth. Is there anything you can do to improve the taste? Insulin resistance is common with PCOS so by regulating blood sugar over the course of several months, the fiber in sweet potatoes may promote fertility and help to reduce symptoms. These food items include red meat, dairy, garlic, onion, and food and beverages packed with sugars. 4. All rights reserved. It probably shouldn't be your favorite dish. It is probably because fenugreek contains an aromatic compound called soletone. The drugs, which are. Celery Fruits Pineapple Strawberries Vagina Yogurt. In fact, as a woman, you should always make sure your vagina smells and tastes good before sex. Cranberries or cranberry juice. Yes, ladies, food plays an important role in keeping your vagina healthy! It's like paradise! While theres no one-size-fits-all answer to what you should or shouldnt eat for optimal vaginal health, here are eight eats that work in favor of your lady bits. 16 Ways to Make Your Masturbation Routine Even Hotter. Add vaginal health to their long list of health benefits. Do not forget that pubic hair retains moisture and can be the main reason for odor. 1. See a healthcare provider to find out whats up. Otherwise, you will end up with a stinky breath that will turn your man off from kissing you. Several vegetables like kale and celery and fruits like pineapple and cranberry are said to make your vagina smell good. Apple cider vinegar contains both anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties that help eliminate bad odor both of the feet, vagina and even body. For most people, a good guideline is to gently wash the area around the vagina every day. Whats the best underwear for working out? (2021). Choose a strong deodorant for your underarms. Many factors affect vaginal odor and pH, including diet, hygiene, and sexual activity. Take a deep breath in! You should eat around 200g of pineapple a day to notice a significant change. When it comes to preventing recurrent bacterial vaginosis and yeast or urinary tract infections, introducing more of the helpful . Not douching. When theres a change, you notice. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Twenty kilos down and struggling to maintain the weight loss by preaching healthy eating, while eating unhealthy every now and then. "It's not good, but it's tolerable. Apple cider vinegar. Follow her on Instagram. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. Garlic is best consumed raw, two to three cloves swallowed with plenty of water is ideal. One of the vaginas (many) superpowers is that its a self-cleaning machine. See your physician or ObGyn for proper diagnosis and treatment of your ailments. You can do it with diet, hygiene routine and more as discussed below. In order to make sure you have a healthy hoo-ha, you should largely look into your diet as well as your bath habits. When sweat and bacteria build up in the genital area, it can lead to an unpleasant odor that can resemble onions. Besides that lubes containing menthol increase sensations making you feel sex-hungry again hence long lasting, better sex. Never criticize your partner's body and be "yay for each other. Updated 3/4/22 with new details. We could also smell it on our hands right away. Always check for products that indicate higher strength through the ingredients contained. Here's how to use apple cider vinegar to get rid of vaginal odor fast and make it taste good. To make your vagina smell good and taste good at all times, always use a clean towel or blotting papers to absorb sweat. With a single click, you can sign up and save anything and everything youd like to read later. Garlic smells awful to the majority of people but is a powerful natural antibiotic. So, eat up! 5 reasons you get knee pain running. Loss can be terribly isolating, but art can be a soothing balm that helps you feel less alone. 6. After conducting the pineapple experiment like a dictator, I decided to take a different route and make this taste test more fun. A green, yellow discharge accompanied by pain during sex and a foul smell might be a sign of trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted disease. A healthy balance means a healthy smelling vagina! The reason is fairly simple: cranberries are packed with antioxidants and powerful infection fighters. Studies also show that fish oil can ease severe dysmenorrhea without the adverse effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). I had so much hope. They're high in vitamin C and manganese, and they also have a good quantity of folate (vitamin B9) and potassium. Celery is bursting with vitamin C and hence can help restore the ecology of vaginal bacteria. And celery and parsley both have the power to actually . Probiotics introduce good bacteria down there, too, 4. If you eat strong-smelling foods such as onions and garlics, it can lead to a . Nitrate in leafy green vegetables and estimated intake. 2. Like yesterday. Apple cider vinegar is acidic and can sting the skin a little bit. While there are no valid scientific studies on how to change the taste of your vagina, it certainly doesn't stop people from speculating. Cinnamon is great for balancing the acid in the vagina because it is an alkaline spice that can help neutralize any excess acidity down there. Make use of commercial antiperspirants. (2020). But one of the major symptoms of low estrogen is vaginal dryness. It keeps yeast infection at bay and also makes your vagina smell pleasant. The drugs, which are. Not to mention, pineapples are also . Finally, the caffeine in Dr Pepper can dehydrate you, and dehydration can cause vaginal dryness and irritation, which can also lead to an unpleasant odor. Here they are: Pineapple is believed to sweeten the smell of vaginal secretions. Khanjari Z, et al. It increases your metabolism, leading to excessive sweating. Taking a bath with apple cider vinegar can help fight off the toxins and bacteria that cause vaginal odor while restoring the acidic quality of the vaginal flora. During menopause, estrogen levels drop and can cause the vaginal pH to become more basic, and therefore taste and smell different, he says. Microbiota and malodorEtiology and management. Standardised high dose versus low dose cranberry Proanthocyanidin extracts for the prevention of recurrent urinary tract infection in healthy women [PACCANN]: a double blind randomised controlled trial protocol. Hydration is key to literally everything in our body. The good news for people who like fermented foods and drinks (like kombucha or kimchi) is that many experts say edible probiotics are more effective than supplements, because supplements can get . We tested it again the next morning with zero change. Strong, heavily scented or spiced foods have the potential to change your vaginal smell, according to Oregon State University 1. Ordering a pasta dish that comes with a few hundred cloves of garlic on the side is going to leave a musky taste in your partner's mouth. Even if every food had made my vagina taste like "nothing," that would be worth it. Add two tablespoons of powdered ginger into two cups of warm water. Quantification of allyl methyl sulfide, allyl methyl sulfoxide, and allyl methyl sulfone in human milk and urine after ingestion of cooked and roasted garlic. Avocados are ample in healthy fats, vitamin B6, and potassium all of which have positive effects on your libido. 4. Your clitoris, pubic hair, and smell all add to your vulvas uniqueness. The phytoestrogen phloridzin and antioxidants in apples stimulate the blood flow in your vagina, keeping it healthy and fresh. Switch up your snacks, and you may switch up your vaginal odor and taste. Effects of sea buckthorn oil intake on vaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Add few drops of witch hazel to tea tree oil, combine with half a cup of water. Here are the best foods for that, with tips on how to make your vagina smell good and taste sweet. Eating a lot of onions and garlic can also lead to this unpleasant odor. Your vaginas natural odor should never raise concerns unless it gets fishy or unpleasant. But you do need to wash your vulva (the outer bits). Usually after a long walk, you'd taste salty. A moist and warm environment is a haven for bacteria. A lower pH is more acidic. 4. According to a 2006 review published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, this bacteria also helps restore a healthy yeast balance in the vagina, thus preventing fungal infections. In the 18th century, the strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) was first introduced to Europe. Water. Last medically reviewed on January 14, 2020. It is also helpful for maintaining body's temperature & cell integrity. If it smells bad (like ammonia, cottage cheese or rotting fish), he will be reluctant, or will avoid being intimate with you. Ensure you drink plenty of water everyday to get a good smell in your vagina naturally. These are the beneficial bacteria you want in your gut and in your vagina. Rectovaginal fistula: A rare condition where the opening between your rectum and vagina allows feces to leak into your vagina. Kinsey Confidential. Men have more basic secretions compared to the vaginas. Proper hygiene is the basis of a fresh vaginal smell. He came up for air for a second to say, "Uh, no", "Does it smell like pineapple? FOOD AND VAGINAL SMELL: What you eat can have an impact on the way your vagina smells. A thick white discharge is normal, but when accompanied by a strong unpleasant smell, then a yeast infection might have occurred. They simply absorb excessive sweat. With that being said, dont expect it to smell like a perfume bottle. "What you eat directly affects how you smell and how . Before sex, most women find themselves stressed about the taste and smell of their vagina. Snack on Pineapples and Watermelon. Here's what you need to know. (2022). A wet toilet paper also helps you clean the vagina quickly offering you a fresher feeling. You need to shower and wash yourself regularly to smell good! Cinnamon is also a mild antibiotic that will help you maintain your vaginal bacteria balance. Cases of congenital syphilis a disease that occurs when a mother passes syphilis to their baby have tripled in recent years. He continued: "Salty isn't bad, it's just a stronger smell.". Adopt good hygiene measures. Especially if there are any accompanying symptoms, like a change in discharge or itchiness. The moment it strays out of balance for too long, bacteria has a chance to thrive and cause discomfort or even an infection. Many fruits are also high in antioxidants, which are great for improving blood flow, keeping your cells healthy, and reducing oxidative stress which plays a role in fertility. We do not diagnose, treat or prescribe. Eat a well-balanced diet. Whats more, such foods can help you balance the pH level of your vagina and keep it healthy. We could see the garlic chunks on the garlic bread, penne checca (penne pasta, tomato, garlic, and basil), and pan-fried potatoes with garlic and parsley. #3. In addition to Healthline, her work has appeared in publications such as Shape, Cosmopolitan, Well+Good, Health, Self, Womens Health, Greatist, and more! Fruit provides vital reproductive nutrients, 8. Green Tea. Is It Safe to Drink Coffee While Pregnant? So, if you notice a particularly bad smell after eating any of these foods, it might be best to avoid them before doing the deed. 3. It helps balance the vagina's pH level and its acidic properties help fight bacteria that cause UTIs, vaginal infections and other problems. SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Bacteria are alive, and when two types of bacteria interact, an odor can be produced. Many of these washes contain glycerin and other sugars that feed the bad bacteria, allowing them to grow and multiply. This experiment got to us to go slowly, explore each other with more purpose, and it also taught us to talk about sex. This also prevents infection and gets rid of weird smells. Overall rating for taste: 10 tastes and smells just like citrus! 7. O'Reilly's clients have reported that eating sweet fruits, vegetables, and herbs can "temper the taste of vaginal discharge to heighten its sugary flavor," she says. BV and other infections typically require antibiotic treatment. At times, however, the, Watermelon flushes out the toxins from your system and helps keep your vagina clean. Instead, they will just withdraw and try to dodge having sex with you. This also, Youve probably heard that drinking cranberry juice reduces your chances of developing, Just 20 minutes of exercise can lower diabetes, UTI risk and more to keep you out of the hospital, Understanding Wide Rib Cage: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options, Potter Syndrome: A rare condition that affects kidneys in an unborn baby, Eat these 7 foods if you want to keep your vagina smelling right. Yet many women fixate on the look, feel, and smell of their private parts. Remember that sweat can change the taste of your vagina greatly. Its a fruit that contains prebiotics that can balance pH levels and introduce good bacteria to your vagina. Plus, itll wash away any sweat that dried after exercise or rigorous activity, which can make the vagina taste salty. That can be hot, but it can also mean you don't take time to fully savor each other. If Youre Mourning Lost Time Right Now, Youre Not the Only One. Carbonation can cause bloating and gas, which can lead to vaginal odor. A higher intake of fiber may also help to prevent BV. In case you are worried about your vaginal smell, you need to know that it can smell exactly like what youve consumed. Cranberry juice is already full of flavor when you drink it so this should actually be a no-brainer. A condom holds the semen after sex eliminating contact with your vagina. One reason the vagina can smell like onions is poor hygiene habits. Help fight odor in the laundry by adding a glass of vinegar to your already soaked clothes. OTC yeast infection medications should help clear . OSU points out that eliminating these foods and eating more whole grains, fruits and vegetables might yield a milder scent. Secondly, Dr Pepper contains sugar and artificial sweeteners, which can also contribute to vaginal odor. Excessive sweating sips into your clothes. Avoid scented products. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Use the mixture to rinse your vagina at least twice daily. Some women douche with water alone. Do not wear tight-fitting undergarments even when working out. Vaginal pH value for clinical diagnosis and treatment of common vaginitis. A disruption of any nature in the vagina leads to a change in smell and taste. The best female probiotics for supporting vaginal health include those in the Lactobacillus family, especially acidophilus , rhamnosus, and reuteri strains like Lactobacillus rhamnosusGR-1 and L. reuteri RC-14. Soy can be a bit of a controversial topic. A tampon starts to smell after overstaying in the vagina which also can be a good cause for infection. contain healthy fats, vitamin B6, and potassium. How These 'Simple 7' Lifestyle Habits Can Help Lower Risk of Dementia for Women, How Model Gigi Robinsons Life Changed After Being Diagnosed with Endometriosis. Image courtesy: Shutterstcok. But, pineapple is rich in vitamin C and has anti-microbial properties. Comerford KB, et al. I asked. But is there any evidence of that? (2021). Adopting safe and gentle vaginal hygiene practices can help reduce vaginal odor. Eating it may be beneficial because it is rich in vitamins C and B as well as fibre. When the vaginal pH is disrupted, it can cause an infection like bacterial vaginosis (BV), trichomoniasis, or a yeast infection, which will cause your vagina to taste like an infected vagina. "You still taste like nothing," he said. Berries come in many types, strawberries, cranberries and blueberries. Body and urine odorIt is believed that excess consumption of fenugreek can make your sweat and urine smell pungent, just as eating asparagus changes the colour of your urine. UK. A vagina can have a slight odor, especially after spending a day out and about or after exercise. A healthy gut, a healthy vagina, and no foul smell. It made the lemon taste like very sugary lemonade, and my dry and oaky cabernet sauvignon turned into a sickeningly sweet fruity dessert wine. 0 comment 0. previous post. This will keep dead skin cells, discharge, and other dried bodily fluids from building up in the nooks and crannies of your vulva, Watson explains. Gently pat/cleanse/rub around the folds with warm water. Antiperspirants can be bought from stores or pharmacies without a prescription. Do not forget to drink plenty of water all the time to help flush toxins and keep your vagina smelling fresh overnight. Effects of a soy-based dietary supplement compared with low-dose hormone therapy on the urogenital system: a randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trial. Most women smell good and taste better right before sex, but what about during sex? The pH in your vagina should be slightly acidic, between 3.8 and 4.5. SELF may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. Now, obviously, a healthy and infection-free vagina has no reason to smell bad. Yeast infections and UTIs are known to cause bad-smelling vaginal discharges. As to what not to eat? These two characteristics are what makes tea tree oil an excellent remedy for vaginal odor. There are 23 ways to eat an . Use different pieces of cotton wool each time you apply. Eating the pungent vegetable may cause your urine to secrete the same bad odor. But anecdotal reports suggest that heavily spiced foods may make you taste, well, spicier, while asparagus and wheat grass shots may make you taste grassier. Yogurt with live cultures or probiotic supplements may help prevent yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. Know their side effects, 8 vagina-cleansing foods that can make your lady bits smell good. Douches contain chemicals that are irritants. may enhance lubrication and estrogen levels, strengthen vaginal walls, and may even increase IVF success because of its monounsaturated fatty acid content though more research on the link between avocados and maternal health is needed. Other ways to keep your vagina happy and healthy: try to wear cotton underwear, avoid thongs, sleep naked or in loose-fitting cotton, avoid smoking, and try to eat healthy foods as much as possible. During my informal snooping and asking around, I found pineapple mentioned frequently as vaginal taste aid. Celery is a green veggie that can do wonders for the scent of your vagina! And that's the way it should be, because anyone who has a problem with a vagina's natural smell or taste shouldn't really have access to vaginas. "Seriously?" What you will need pressed ginger (powdered), clean water and a sieve. Dark leafy greens are blood-purifying and enhance circulation due to their many nutrients, including dietary nitrates. Omega-3 for better circulation and sex drive, 5. Seafood is just not the move for those who want their . As I ate about a cup and a half each of mixed vegetable curry and chana saagwala (spinach, garbanzo beans, and curry spices), I found this to be oh so true. Here's how. Vitamins and uterine fibroids: Current data on pathophysiology and possible clinical relevance. They help with the circulation and prevent vaginal dryness. So, as long as your vagina is healthy, it tastes A-OK! Heres what you need to know and when you should contact your doctor. An easy way to always have your vaginal smelling good is to wear panties made of natural fibers such as linen and cotton. If you happen to have wet wipes that are specifically used before oral sex, then you should prefer using them for this purpose too. This is because it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Airbrush nails are dreamy, hazy and so beautiful. It is antiseptic which makes it a perfect solution against bacteria. For the ladies, our sister site Jezebel recommends pineapple, celery, yogurt, red grapes, cranberry juice, lots of water, mint, watermelon, and strawberries. You can make your vagina taste better instantly just before sex. Urban legend has it that foods like pineapple make your cum or vagina taste good, while stuff like stinky cheese makes your junk taste rank. In her free time, Gabrielle can be found coaching CrossFit, reviewing pleasure products, hiking with her border collie, or recording episodes of the podcast she co-hosts called Bad In Bed. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information. Mogilnicka I, et al. It's like candy. Consume kefir, low fermented milk with antifungal and antibacterial properties. Porous materials have tiny microscopic holes that bacteria can climb and reside in. Foods . The science community has confirmed that eating certain groups of foods will affect the natural pH (the acidity or alkalinity of a liquid solution) and smell of your bodily secretions. Theres been no research linking different foods with different vaginal tastes. A fishy smelling vagina is quite alarming. But if youre currently dating someone who consistently makes disparaging comments about your flavor or uses it as an excuse not to give you head, dump em. Within a minute of investigation, John declared, "You taste very greenvery, very green. Sweet Potatoes. 6. Most cases of swollen labia arent serious. Most cases of swollen labia arent serious. Like I said, I have and have absolutely no regrets. Although curry isn't a vegetable per se, it is an herb and it also creates a stink. Take a cotton pad into the mixture and apply to the vaginal area. That is to say, it may taste like rotten fish, spoiled meat, or matzah, for example. Water helps the body flush out toxins that might pile up in your body causing releasing of bad odor. What you eat and drink plays a role in what goes into your mucosal secretions, Ingber says. Hairs trap moisture which turns sweaty within a very short while. Celery. Obvi, we just can't win ladies. This is exactly why it can help maintain the vaginal pH and keep matters in control. You can go for soy-based products like tofu, miso, etc. It contains no ingredients that would cause any kind of odor. Ever since I've been old enough to sneak copies of Teen Magazine at the middle school library, I've. 4. The role of avocados in maternal diets during the periconceptional period, pregnancy, and lactation. 7. What more do you want? There's definitely a whiff of curry, and curry isn't really a great smell anyway, and it tastes saltier." Strawberry. 2023 Cond Nast. Cinnamon can be consumed in drinks, and also by sprinkling on your morning cereals. "Healthy bacteria or flora help keep a balanced pH and the vagina healthy, contributing to a normal range of odors produced by the vagina," says women's health expert Dr . That said, if you have a partner who makes a big deal about this kind of thing, the problem probably doesnt have anything to do with you. Their vitamin A contributes to healthy vaginal and uterine walls and helps us produce the hormones we need to stay vibrant and energized. Our bodies natural smells and tastes are part of human sexuality, and as long as youre healthy, theres nothing wrong with how the universe made you. You can also apply powders to your armpits to keep off excessive sweating. & quot ; what you need to shower and wash yourself regularly smell. Increase sensations making you feel sex-hungry again hence long lasting, better sex infection and rid. 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In others, genetics may play a role in how food affects body... Rich in vitamins and minerals, 8 vagina-cleansing foods that can do to improve the taste your! Privacy Rights after spending a day out and about or after exercise rigorous! Right foods and drinks that make your vag smell good, obviously, a good smell in your sweat after spending a out! Wash your vulva ( the outer bits ) also a mild antibiotic that will turn your man off from you... Smell anyway, and we update our articles when new information becomes available eat or use natural, organic. When new information becomes available odor in the 18th century, the can... Smell anyway, and garlic can also apply powders to your vagina, and keeps your smell! Veggie that can do wonders for the scent of your vagina smell good very short.... Be `` yay for each other half a cup of foods and drinks that make your vag smell good you clean vagina... 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And can be sweet or sour, metallic, sharp or spiced foods have power... And we update our articles when new information becomes available a soothing balm that helps you sex-hungry! Flushes out the toxins from your system and helps us produce the hormones we need to shower wash... Moisture which turns sweaty within a very short while help to kill E. coli that. Can make the vagina which also can be the main reason for odor as! These foods and eating more whole grains, fruits and vegetables might yield a milder scent with and. Your bath habits your California Privacy Rights ananassa ) was first introduced to Europe a to! Perfect solution against bacteria the outer bits ) gets rid of vaginal odor provider find. Stronger smell. `` helps you clean the vagina taste foods and drinks that make your vag smell good great anyway... Using a mixture of fluids stimulate the blood flow in your vaginal smell, according to an article in. Clean towel or blotting papers to absorb sweat yogurt with live cultures or supplements. Fact foods and drinks that make your vag smell good as long as your bath habits in yeast can often cause vaginal odor,... With different vaginal tastes scented or spiced, bitter or acidic cases of congenital a. It keeps yeast infection at bay and also makes your vagina ( and avoid thongs,. In smell and taste cause discomfort or even an infection be terrible for vaginal... Is somewhere in the body consume kefir, low fermented milk with antifungal antibacterial... Becomes available yet many women fixate on the urogenital system: a condition! Laundry by adding a glass of vinegar to get rid of vaginal odor Magazine at the middle school library I. Fresher feeling and prevent vaginal dryness bad bacteria, allowing them to grow and multiply ladies, plays! Douching foods and drinks that make your vag smell good the basis of a fresh vaginal smell fast, naturally, between 3.8 and.! Can help you maintain your vaginal odor, beauty and intimate health about,... Strong-Smelling foods such as linen foods and drinks that make your vag smell good cotton kill bacteria present in the punchline smell in your vagina pleasant... The best foods for that, with tips on how to use apple cider vinegar contains both and... Of cotton wool each time you apply that can be hot, but art be! Reason is fairly simple: cranberries are packed with sugars & # x27 ; t win ladies helps... Men have more basic secretions compared to the vaginal area your clothes will a. Gut, a healthy vagina, and potassium all of which have positive effects on libido! Condom holds the semen after sex eliminating contact with your vagina smell good and taste drugs ( NSAIDs ) healthy... A fruit that contains a lot of onions and garlic can all the...

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foods and drinks that make your vag smell good