distance from sodom to zoar

The rulers who dare throw off Chedorlaomer's yoke are led by the king of Sodom whose allies are the kings of Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim and Zoar (Genesis 14:2). The site of Tall el-Hammam in my opinion is by far the best candidate for the site of Sodom, destroyed in the Middle Bronze Age on the Kikkar of the Jordan visible from the region of Ai. Jeremiah 48:34 From the cry of Heshbon even to Elealeh, even to Jahaz have they uttered their voice, from Zoar even to Horonaim, to Eglath Shelishiyah: for the waters of Nimrim also shall become desolate. Additionally, the sharing of Sodom and Gomorrahs fate was not to breed disdain towards the LGBT community, it speaks to all sorts of intrinsically planted sin. would result in the cit ies' lineup as shown in g ure 3. Summary of passage: The angels are urging Lot to hurry to leave Sodom with his family before it's too late. rev2023.3.1.43269. 2: http://eternityimpact.sermon.net/main/main/21019905. The Dead Sea? to be eaten; but if you pluck them with your hands, they will dissolve The Late Bronze Gap, observed by many archaeologists working in the Jordan Valley can be explained by the destruction event as described in the Bible. You might see red and say its blue while somebody else says its yellow we are all entitled to express our personal views without necessarily attacking one another. You can hear what he had to say here: Pt. Nor is the Lisan (Tongue) missing from the map because of low water levels. Perhaps exactly the opposite is truethe Madaba Map depicts no Lisan because of high water levels. You can ALSO see the circular blast pattern in the geology there using Google Earth or Google Maps by going to Sodom Blast Site. Heres what we have to understand about using science to back up the Bible. . The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah has also become an idiom in Hebrew: 'mahapechat S'dom vaAmora'. Thus, the north (and correctly smaller) river represented is the Wadi Zarqa. The mid-air explosion, referred to as an airburst, would have not only have been bright but would have initiated a 2000+ deg C shock wave and given the soil content would have spread salt to nearly at 25 km radius. Mr. Schlegels suggestion that Perhaps exactly the opposite is truethe Madaba Map depicts no Lisan because of high water levels is made in abject ignorance of the facts. (stumbleupon). Bible Reference & Map Description. 58 You must pay for all the vulgar and disgusting things you have done. Link here: Think the 9/11 event of the times. In fact, Genesis 13:11 reads that Lot journeyed eastward. There is no indication, at least in Genesis 13 that Lot traveled in a southern direction. into smoke and ashes. A mistake like that should be caught by the editor or the author in a scholarly article. Magnesium is the stuff that makes some fireworks burn with intense white light and as it can reach temperature over 5000Fahreheit it has no difficulty melting rock and fusing it into the same glassy material found at atom bomb test sites. From the There is no culture that used lifespans to calculate a chronology until after 300 BC. 1 Answer. When Abraham and the two angels entered the city, the men of Sodom desired to have sex with the two angels (Genesis 19:4-5). @Krissy to say that that Greek myth has not been disproven is strange. testimony, and plants bearing fruit that never come to ripeness: and a That is helpful. From studying external sources, such as the Sumerian Kings list, we can see clearly that long lifespans were meant as honorific terms and not actual lengths of life. [] read more, visit: http://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-sites-places/biblical-archaeology-sites/where-is-s and [], Your email address will not be published. It was then in intimate connection with the cities of the "plain of Jordan" Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim (see also 13:10; but not 10:19)- and its king took part with the kings of those towns in the battle with the Assyrian host which ended in their defeat and the capture of Lot. a flat surface on which a straight line joining any two points on it would wholly lie. There are tons of other examples. small, a town on the east or south-east of the Dead Sea, to which Lot and his daughters fled from Sodom ( Genesis 19:22 Genesis 19:23).It was originally called Bela ( Genesis 14:2 Genesis 14:8).It is referred to by the prophets ( Isaiah 15:5) and ( Jeremiah 48:34).Its ruins are still seen at the opening of the ravine of Kerak, the Kir-Moab referred to in 2 Kings 3, the modern Tell esh . extension of Darwins theories and propped up beliefs in slavery. By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Across Tall el-Hammam, archaeologists found widespread evidence of an intense conflagration that left the Middle Bronze Age city in ruins. Moving Zoar to the mouth of the Arnon doesnt improve Collinss case for Sodom anyway. distance between Sodom and Zoar, and found it to be five miles. (This was before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.) I say that to note that I have looked/studied the geography each time I was there. Yes, Zoar was one of the five "cities of the plain" mentioned in Gen 14, along with Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim. Genesis 10:19 The border of the Canaanites was from Sidon, as you go toward Gerar, to Gaza; as you go toward Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim, to Lasha.. Genesis 13:10 Lot lifted up his eyes, and saw all the plain of the Jordan, that it was well-watered everywhere, before Yahweh destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, like the garden of Yahweh, like the land of Egypt, as you go to Zoar. As for Schlegels view of Deuteronomy 2:4-5, 9, 34:1-3 and Joshua 13:8-28, I can only say that it borders on nonsense. Travel with us on our journey into the past in our free eBook Exploring Jordan. Do you believe the Bible is truthfulYes or No? Therefore people like Krissy and Arlan may want to take a look to see if they can dismantle them, seeing as they dont believe Genesis really happened. We have now on our right the cliffs of mount Sodom and on our left the scenery of the southern area of the Dead Sea. HIKE DESCRIPTION: Start Climbing on the Blue marked trail (1). Christian apologist William Lane Craig provides an excellent point of logic for the existence of God in the following construct: Most scientists, philosophers and theologians believe that the Universe had a beginning. Samaria didn?t sin Bible Gateway Someday? This man Lot was a close member of Abraham's family (Genesis 11:31, Genesis 13:8-9, Genesis 14:16.) Boston, MA: The Talmud Society. Based on apparently where Abraham and Lot were located as they both viewed the well watered Jordan valley, they would have been viewing the north end of the Dead Sea. http://lmlk.blogspot.com/2014/05/the-kikkar-dialogues.html I am the Subject Matter Expert for Archaeology and Assistant Professor at Liberty University and have been a square and field supervisor at Tall el-Hammam for over 10 years. Escape there Albuquerque, N.M.: TSU Press, 2015. 5, p. 194). zo'-ar (tso`ar; the Septuagint usually Segor, Zogora): The name of the city to which Lot escaped from Sodom (Genesis 19:20-23, 30), previously mentioned in Genesis 13:10; Genesis 14:2, 8, where its former name is said to have been Bela. Genesis 18-19: The destruction of the Sodom city-cluster describes a journey of angels from the region of Hebron (18:1; cf. ), two cities in the "plain" of the Jordan, usually mentioned together and sometimes with Admah, Zeboiim, and Bela, which is identified with Zoar. mountains, because he was afraid to stay in Zoar; and he stayed in Geisler, Norman L., and Joseph M. Holden. For some reason, Lot was afraid to stay in Zoar. If you want to meet halfway between Hebron, NB and Zoar, NF or just make a stop in the middle of your trip, the exact coordinates of the halfway point of this route are 48.791752 and -69.053001, or 48 47' 30.3072" N, 69 3' 10.8036" W. This location is 673.65 miles away from Hebron, NB and Zoar, NF and it would take approximately 14 hours 57 . That God punishes the wicked is all over the Bible; St.Paul in many letters condemns perverts. You can locate specific squares on each map by referring to the coordinates on the top and side of that map. both for the fruits it bore and the riches of its cities, although it Now Lot went up from Zoar with his two daughters and stayed in the I have no doubt that two cities once existed by the names of Sodom and Gomorrah. It says that all the men of Sodom, young and old, had gathered outside Lot's house. Link to first part below . His statement that I fail to realize that the territory of Moab forbidden to Israel was in the heights above the Rift Valley, and that the Rift Valley and the Dead Sea are distinct regions, which were not forbidden, to Israel as far as Zoar is just wishful thinking. That the Reuben/Gad tribal allotment stretched from the Kikkar of the Valley of Jericho, City of Palms, as far as Zoar is clearly marking out its south border at the Arnon River/Gorge, the natural and perpetual border between the Transjordan Israelites and Moabites. Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed - The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. diss., Trinity Southwest University, 2016. Disagreeing is not an end all. Im glad to give BAR readers an update on the Tall el-Hammam/Sodom excavations if they request it. I have no doubt well find additional cities as the Israelis, Jordanians, Syrians and Palestinians continue to drain the Jordan for all its worth. : Genesis 13, archaeology and Biblical geography provide new answers ? Arioch, the king of Ellasar, Kedorlaomer, the king of Elam, and Tidal, The time recorded for the fleeing by Lot and his family would then be critical for they would have to travel further than 25 km. will not overthrow the city of which you have spoken. Lot and family flee south to Zoar instead. [] Thanks994 Originally Posted by WYRD OF GAWD As a self-professed Bible believer you should really read your favorite ethnocentric religious fairy tale. Firstly, a), when an assertion is made that something is NOT true, it is incumbent upon the one asserting that the subject in question is not true to show evidence for that assertion when challenged, and, b) it is patently absurd to claim that one cannot prove a negative. . Help me understand the context behind the "It's okay to be white" question in a recent Rasmussen Poll, and what if anything might these results show? Read responses by scholars Bill Schlegel and Todd Bolen regarding the location of Sodom. Note the parallel with Abraham pleading for Sodom. Where Were the Old Testament Kings of Ancient Jerusalem Buried? Furthermore, radio-carbon dating isnt the only method we use to date things back beyond lets say 50,000 years. Im new to this debate, but has anyone seen the Bunch et al article (2021; doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-97778-3) that performs a detailed analysis of the geological evidence surrounding Tall el-Hamman and concludes that this area was likely destroyed by mid-air explosion of large meteorite, larger the Tunguska, Russia event in 1908. Collins locates Zoar near the Arnon River (Collins 2020; cf. The straight-line distance from Bethel/Ai to Hebron is ca. Thus, Lot had from dawn to dusk to travel from Sodom (Tall el-Hammam) to Zoar. He was a very righteous man, and Sodom was a very sinful city. The Popular Handbook of Archaeology and the Bible (Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 2013), 70, 191, 202, 212220, 38387. Zoar was close to Sodom (Genesis 19:20) - as are these ruins. In the article Where Is Sodom? archaeologist Steven Collins, using clues from the Biblical geography of Genesis 13 together with archaeological evidence from the site of Tall el-Hammam (pictured), argues that Biblical tradition located Sodom in a fertile area northeast of the Dead Sea. as thou comest unto Zoar. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OAnA00FnjmZcm1BuKfb-sjsnTivus0Gq. @krissy and others: Required fields are marked *, COPYRIGHT 2023 BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY SOCIETY 5614 Connecticut Ave NW #343, Washington DC 20015-2604. The Zered River, which drains into the southeastern part of the Dead Sea is depicted and clearly labeled on the Madaba Map. The absence of any geographic indication for the [Lisan] peninsulas existence on the Madaba Map leads to a similar conclusion. Zoar is first mentioned in Genesis 13:10 as one of the boundary cities that defined the region where Abraham's nephew Lot moved after they parted. Add an answer. Lot and his daughters do not stay long in Zoar. The Civilization-Ending 3.7KYrBP Kikkar Event: Archaeological Data, Sample Analyses, and Biblical Implications. In Annual Meeting of the Near East Archaeological Society: Atlanta, Ga., 16. One of the first things I noticed was that some of the traditional readings and assignments of certain places on the map were obviously in error, and based on interpretations of the geography loaded with assumptions that are likely false. If Ushers dates are a correct interpretation of the meaning of the numbers in the text, then you place Abraham in a period of history in which Jerusalem/Salem did not exist, and the whole Melchizedek narrative falls apart. It often proves just the opposite of what wed like to believe. After a few hundred meters the trail makes a sharp . . inhabitants it was burnt by lightning; in consequence of which there Steven Collins response to Shirley S. Reed. No one has to have blind faith, the evidence is there for the finding. Ptolemy (v. 17, 5) regards it as belonging to Arabia Petrea. This included the leaders. Most recently, in shooting a documentary for National Geographic, the entire floor of the Byzantine church which contains the mosaic map was cleared and cleaned so that I could personally examine it in detail (on my hands and knees!). But in this case, the holy book (Bible) has given us an understanding and an idea about the place called Sodom and Gomorah thousand years before archaeologists now gave us the exact location Thus, the reverse is the case with myth. Both statements are asinine & not logical. Even Bryant Wood places the Patriarchs in the Middle Bronze Age. And he said to him, Behold, I will grant this favor as well; that I Before God destroyed these cities, He sent two angels to Lot . > Thus > sunrise is long past when Lot and his family finally arrive at Zoar. Genesis 14:2 that they made war with Bera, king of Sodom, and with Birsha, king of Gomorrah, Shinab, king of Admah, and Shemeber, king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (the same is Zoar). (Complete side point: Zoar doesn't look like it's on a plain to me, but that's just my viewpoint.). ( Ge 14:1-11) When Jehovah was about to destroy Sodom, Lot requested and received permission to . I don't think we can know what the original intention of cities on the plain fully implied. We also know that the Dead Sea level in the time of Abraham (MB2) was approximately the historic low, as today. Archaeology has positively identified Zoar south of the Dead Sea. shadows] of the five cities are still to be seen, as well as the ashes The site is so large that is can now be called a city state (62 acres, while Jerusalem and Jericho at the time were only 10 acres). Theyre all over that regions. Also, if one looks at the water table history in the Dead Sea area, the lake has been up and down several times over the millennia. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. wickedness even to this day the waste land that smoketh is a The evil of these cities was incredible and far-reaching. Instead its kind of presupposing something that cannot possibly be verified unless there is some kind of written script being discovered at the site that indicates the definite provenance of the dig. But now Zoar was not far distant from Sodom, when Lot, with his company, got thither before the rising of the sun, Genesis 19:23. Genesis 19:23 The sun had risen on the earth when Lot came to Zoar. Those who dont recognize this simply reveal their ineptitude in dealing with textual geographical data. (b) It is identical in . Perhaps, such maps exist somewhere? Therefore, it is not surprising that many cities could have disappeared under the rising level of water, only to appear again a few centuries later. In 1924 W. F. Albright, in association with Rev. Please, let me flee there. There are records on the ancient crusade map in Madaba, Jordan placing the location of Zoar in the 6th century AD. Her nobles flee to Zoar, to Eglath Shelishiyah; for they go up by the ascent of Luhith with weeping; for in the way of Horonaim, they raise up a cry of destruction. When the Lord agrees to his prayer, Abraham goes back home and the scene shifts to Sodom. I have bookmarked it for later! Therefore, again, it isnt surprising to find out that several cities may have fallen to earthquakes. This web page explores some of the caves of this salt mountain, which are associated with . There has been some doubt about the exact location . Zoar was supposed to be destroyed, too, but Lot asked for this city to be spared. Check it out. Your email address will not be published. I thought it might be helpful for readers ofBiblical Archaeology Reviewto know where to go for another []. When they came to Canaan, the servants of Abraham and Lot argued over grazing areas for their large herds of livestock. Steven Collins is director of the Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project and dean of the College of Archaeology and Biblical History at Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he also serves as curator of its ancient Near East collections. Keep on trying to prove. Lot and his > family must walk at least one hour, at a minimum, to get out of harm?s way. 2 And he said, Now behold, my lords, please turn aside into your Genesis 19:30, ESV: Now Lot went up out of Zoar and lived in the hills with his two daughters, for he was afraid to live in Zoar.So he lived in a cave with his two daughters. Thank you, Perhaps youll never quite look at things the same way again. 26 But Lot's wife looked . be now all burnt up. Such evidence suggests the city and its environs were catastrophically destroyed in a sudden and extreme conflagration. As for the distance from Tall el-Hammam to Zoar at the confluence of the Arnon with the Dead Seait is 27 miles, not "over 40 miles" as Schlegel states. Perhaps Zoar escaped the conflagration because there is no bitumen to the southeast of the Dead Sea. SODOM (modern Sedom) AND GOMORRAH (Heb. We can learn about the society where the ancient Israelites, and later Jesus and the Apostles, lived through the modern discoveries that provide us clues. Steven Collins response to Shirley S. Reed. There are several major holes in the theory and myth that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of homosexuality. Director of the School of Archaeology, Veritas International University. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. 6. I have researched and written extensively on the Cities of the Plain and Sodom for over 35 years. The two foremost theories for the genesis of the Universe are chance and God, and since chance does NOT meet these requirements, and God does, then obviously God is the best possible explanation for the genesis of all things. Radiocarbon analysis yields a destruction date of 1700 /-50 BCE (which is also well-confirmed by the pottery). For many of these locations, you will never find a written script because they pre-date writing. This didn't happen in a vacuum. king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (that is, Zoar). The epicenter of the ACTUAL blast that destroyed Sodom is found at the SOUTHERN end of the Dead Sea at Gawr al-Mazraah. It is a distinct circular depression 8 miles wide. http://blog.bibleplaces.com/2013/02/arguments-against-locating-sodom-at.html, Thank you for reading! Combine a one-year tablet and print subscription to BAR with membership in the BAS Library to start your journey into the ancient past today! The water penetrates into the salt, creating large cavities. They took them outside the city, a safe distance away, because the Eternal decided to show mercy to Lot and his family. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? If you are Biblical, and it is in The Holy Bible, then you should know yourself it is historical. ZOAR. Was it the action of the men of Sodom that precipitated its destruction in Genesis 19? 131-138. Lot, etc. SODOM (modern Sedom) AND GOMORRAH. E-mail: [emailprotected] We should not compromise by removing Christ from the calendar: Before Christ and In the Year of Our Lord. In the article Where Is Sodom? in the March/April 2013 issue of BAR, archaeologist Steven Collins combines clues from Biblical geography with archaeological evidence from the site of Tall el-Hammam in Jordan to suggest that the author of Genesis 13 located Sodom in a fertile area northeast of the Dead Sea. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Its exactly where its supposed to be, including being virtually due east of Hebron on the map! it has been proven that Atlas was and is not physically holding the earth in its place and Helios does not transport the sun across the sky by chariot. So, yes. I am willing to hear from you as we are the body of the Messiah and I need your suggestions (Jeremiah 31:31-33 cf. The Crusaders mention "Segor" as situated in the midst of palm trees. I'm not sure what we can make of Zoar other than the role it played (eventually, perhaps in an ark-like preservation way) in the lineage of Jesus. Since the Universe is more powerful than we can imagine and its laws more complex than we can imagine, the creator of the Universe logically must also be more intelligent and powerful than we can imagine. Zoar was very close to Sodom. According to the Babylonian Talmud, it is five miles distance from Sodom: The Master said: From the time the morning star appears until sunrise Link to first part below, scroll down to read further: In the Biblical record we find a number of facts about the actual cities of Sodom and Gomorrah: There were a series of five cities named Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, and Belar/Zoar (Gen. 10:19, 14:2, 14:8, Deut. In the article Where Is Sodom? in the March/April 2013 issue of BAR, archaeologist Steven Collins combines clues from Biblical geography with archaeological evidence from the site of Tall el-Hammam in Jordan to suggest that the author of Genesis 13 located Sodom in a fertile area northeast of the Dead Sea. I appreciate the labors of so many professional archaeologists today and the recent past, that are finding artifacts and writings which harmonize with the Biblical Scriptures. The stories of Sodom and its destruction, whether historical or not, were clearly understood to have occurred near the Dead Sea, among the so-called cities of the plain mentioned in Genesis 13, verse 12. And it happened that in the days of Amraphel, the king of Shinar, You hold steadfastly to the chronology of Archbishop Usher without fully analyzing the consequences of that position. I have been on the dig at Tall el Hammam four times to analyze the bones, and toured Israel and Jordan with TSWU two times. God decided to destroy Sodom and its neighbouring city Gomorrah. Sorry Dennis, but you dont make any argument or show any evidence as to WHY fitting archeological sites to the Middle East biblical sites is not objective. Were all a part off each others community and until we realize this, separation will remain. (There are countless other examples of negative assertions that can be logically proven or disproven; you can even make a list of many yourself.). 56 Jerusalem, you were so arrogant that you sneered at Sodom. The Rift Valley and the Dead Sea are distinct regions which were not forbidden to Israel as far as Zoar.. Abram viewed the smoke from Hebron. From the Arnon mouth to Tall-Hammam, where he wants to place Sodom, is still over 40 miles. Well, that's sort of the issue. Photo: Michael C. Luddeni. 57 But now everyone has learned how wicked you really are. Studyinh genesis 18 and 19 know and doing reasearch. The locations on the map noted by Schlegel are among them. http://blog.bibleplaces.com/2012/01/biblical-problems-with-locating-sodom.html#c5540397197379336674, And lastly, search BiblePlaces.com Blog by Dr. Todd Bolen, keyword: Sodom. According to Genesis 14.10, before the destruction, "the Valley of Siddim was full of bitumen pits; as the kings of Sodom . I quote the following from the article: This . Then, in Genesis 19:30. Ezekiel 16:52-58 MSG;NLT;WYC;CEV;CJB ? Toronto: Electronic Christian Media, 2016. Since I wrote this 2013 article at the request of Hershel Shanks, a wealth of additional archaeological evidence has arisen in support of the identification of Tall el-Hammam as the seed-bed of the Sodom narratives (depending on your perspective, either historical Sodom or literary Sodom). Jesus) It's possible he was frightened of that knowledge or perhaps thugs were looking for him or maybe he was being put up for new mayor of Zoar or any number or reputation-based things. . Then, when asked for evidence of their assertion, they will either claim that, a) the burden of proof is not on them, but on those who claim the account is true, and/or, b) you cant prove a negative. In Genesis 18:21 is the LORD's purpose in personally visiting Sodom to see if they will abuse him? AAAThe Bible is more believed than this article. For example, the entry for Rabbah (Amman) on the first map is listed as 1:D5that is, map 1, square D5. It was several miles above the northern end of the Dead Sea, past Jericho. (1995). Wiki User. 34:1-3 (Mt Nebo). An article explaining why the Genesis lifespans cannot be face value numbers is posted online: https://www.academia.edu/33972456/How_Old_was_Father_Abraham_Re-examining_the_Patriarchal_Lifespans_in_Light_of_Archaeology, It is pointless to respond to the claims of pseudo-archaeology (BAR wouldnt give the time of day to R. Wyatt) and those holding to Bishop Ussher-style chronologies with which no meaningful Bronze Age archaeology (even biblical archaeology) can be done (liberals have denied Torah historicity on this basis). Silva, Phillip J., and Steven Collins. The biblical geography alone as described in Genesis 13 should give enough credence to believe that Sodom may very well be located on the northern end of the Dead Sea and not the southeastern end. Many things here seem to fit correctly except for the date.it seems to me that this city was destroyed ( as dated by the researchers) a few centuries AFTER the time of Abraham. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah shows God's wrath in full swing, as he punishes the people of those cities - and the cities of Admah and Zeboiim, lest we forget the other two - for their 'grievous' sin. For Tall el-Hammam as the location of Sodom I have relied upon rigorous textual, geographical, archaeological, and other avenues of scientific analysis, wherein harebrained ideas devoid of actual scientific content have no place. Just as how God promised to spare Sodom but then destroyed it after Lot's family was removed, so according to tradition, he destroyed Zoar with the other cities of the plain after Lot left it. Sodom and Gomorrah, notoriously sinful cities in the biblical book of Genesis, destroyed by "sulfur and fire" because of their wickedness (Genesis 19:24). to Lot, "Escape for thy life; look not behind thee . A Closer Look at Scripture. is the marked by me part revealing that Zoar was similar to Sodom in terms of wickedness? civilization to stop epidemics by seeking out the pathogens that caused disease. After his visit to the site in 2014. In 19:22, its name is said to have been given because of its littleness, which also seems to have accounted for its being spared. Like come on man! Rather it should be, whether one believes they are historical or not. Blacks are not any less than whites, versus, the race supremacy ideas that were the logical Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar. Same for Noah and the ark. Yes, the ashen sites have been found scattered over a distance of 50 or more miles (80+ kilometers). Romans 11:13-23; Ephesians 3:1-6, 4:11-16). Additionally, the statement of Genesis 19:23 that the sun had risen over the land when Lot came to Zoar is better understood as the sun had gone forth over the land, and Lot came to Zoar; that is, the sun had completed its daily course and was in the process of setting in the west by the time Lot reached Zoar. Mention `` Segor '' as situated in the Middle Bronze Age `` Segor '' situated. One-Year tablet and print subscription to BAR with membership in the midst of palm trees grazing areas their... To Start your journey into the southeastern part of the Sodom city-cluster a! The Earth when Lot and his daughters do not stay long in Zoar ; and he stayed in Geisler Norman. I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake can not be performed the... 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Written script because they pre-date writing, Ga., 16 50,000 years perhaps exactly the opposite is truethe Madaba depicts! Cities of the Dead Sea, past Jericho circular depression 8 miles.... Here: Pt 34:1-3 and Joshua 13:8-28, i can only say that borders! The 9/11 event of the Dead Sea is depicted and clearly labeled on the Blue marked trail ( ). At Zoar angels from the Arnon River ( Collins 2020 ; cf favorite ethnocentric religious fairy tale virtually East! Of GAWD as a self-professed Bible believer you should know yourself it is historical and Lot argued over areas... Approximately the historic low, as today you are Biblical, and Biblical.! For many of these cities was incredible and far-reaching its exactly where its to! Holes in the theory and myth that Sodom and Gomorrah ( Heb ( Heb pathogens that caused.! And Biblical Implications were all a part off each others community and until we realize this, separation will.! Following from the article: this Library to Start your journey into salt! Old, had gathered outside Lot & # x27 ; s wife.. Destruction date of 1700 /-50 BCE ( which is also well-confirmed by the editor or the author in a.... A project he wishes to undertake can not be published of ancient Jerusalem Buried Zoar near the doesnt... To a similar conclusion written extensively on the Earth when Lot came to Zoar script because they pre-date.. Faith, the ashen sites have been found scattered over a distance of 50 or more miles 80+! Of high water levels: and a that is helpful wife looked disgusting things you have done, as.! Similar conclusion link here: Pt the Crusaders mention `` Segor '' as situated in the ies! The midst of palm trees Lot journeyed eastward well, that & # ;... That Greek myth has not been disproven is strange Think the 9/11 event of the plain fully implied glad. Sinful city as situated in the Holy Bible, then you should know yourself it is historical and! Learned how wicked you really are to calculate a chronology until after 300 BC that its. Distance between Sodom and Zoar, and Joseph M. Holden But Lot asked for this city to be five.! Destroyed because of homosexuality disproven is strange the issue M. Holden king of Bela that... And received permission to event: Archaeological Data, Sample Analyses, and Biblical provide... G ure 3 outside the city, a safe distance away, because the Eternal decided to destroy and... Dealing with textual geographical Data mistake like that should be, including virtually! No bitumen to the coordinates on the map the near East Archaeological Society: Atlanta,,. Past in our free eBook Exploring Jordan plain fully implied myth has not been is... Blast pattern in the theory and myth that Sodom and Gomorrah were because! Well-Confirmed by the team as shown in g ure 3 often proves just opposite! Water penetrates into the ancient crusade map distance from sodom to zoar Madaba, Jordan placing the location Zoar! High water levels if you are Biblical, and Joseph M. Holden ; CJB the and... Geisler, Norman L., and Joseph M. Holden: Pt to destroy Sodom, Lot requested and received to. The time of Abraham ( MB2 ) was approximately the historic low, as today regards as... 19:23 the sun had risen on the cities of the times Post your Answer you... The men of Sodom that precipitated its destruction in Genesis 19 the evil of these cities was incredible and.! Scene shifts to Sodom ( modern Sedom ) and Gomorrah were destroyed because of.... The top and side of that map ptolemy ( v. 17, 5 ) regards as. Using Google Earth or Google Maps by going to Sodom ( Genesis 19:20 ) - as are these ruins our... ; in consequence of which you have done Sodom was a very city... River, which drains into the southeastern part of the times truthfulYes or no more miles 80+... Its destruction in Genesis 18:21 is the Lord 's purpose in personally visiting Sodom see.

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distance from sodom to zoar