bts reaction to you being traumatized

Im the worlds worst boyfriend. He throws you on the bed and leaps on top of you, kissing you hungrily. You had meant to leave for his surprise anniversary party before he ever got up, but youd lost track of time doing your hair. strapped to his muscles? Taehyung came in with a happy smile on his face because he knew you would be home but when he saw you it soon faded and he got everything he needed to patch you up. (GF) Not wearing makeup for the first time, BTS Reaction: P2. Oh my gosh. Yet, when you returned from the kitchen, Jin was still asleep. What he didn't know was that you were really depressed. It wasn't the first time you've self-harmed but the first while being in a relationship with Yoongi. I cant even look at you right now, you know how much that vase means to me. From that moment Namjoon and you are yelling all kinds of different insults to each other. You Have An Innocent Personality ~ BTS Reaction Jin: He felt terrible as you stood and tried to figure out the punchline of his joke, staring at him with a great deal of confusion. smile as you invite him into your office. a/n: because you all deserve someone who treats you like this, okay? ", - " now kitten, you don't act like that with Daddy, or do you want to get punished? But Jin recognises that these arent the symptoms of illness. The man stumbles back, gives Yoongi a once over, and decides it's not worth it. "They don't like me, I'm sick of hate and death threats" you said and Jin looked shocked. He sighs and suddenly he doesnt look angry, just miserable. Honey, I dont know this boy but it seems like hes just worried about you., Worried? Namjoon looks at you and his eyes soften. Jin: Things were finally calming down and Jin realized what he was asking of you when he asked you to stop working. At least he got He'd do his best to make you feel comfortable, all the while trying to make you avoid any situation that would make you in anyway uncomfortable. He opened the door and his eyes widened at the sight of your blood. "Really?" "I won't, I'm sorry" you apologise as well. hes suffered here. Yoongi asked driving tears starting to fill his eyes but concentrating on the road. Y/n, youre distracting me! Of corse you didn't tell Jin, he was under enough pressure with their new comeback. Book 1 of -- You took a small deep breath then walked closer to him "I love you a lot and I don't want to fight with you like at all. In the span of ten minutes youve forgotten about it and youre dancing with Jimin, laughing when he does an extra body roll even when the choreography doesnt call for it and clapping your hands. That doesnt stop Jimin from Were going to talk about it because we love each other, yeah?. Walking in on them naked, BTS Reactions: P1. Im gonna kiss you until you love me again, he says determined, but his voice is shaking, eyes wet, and you sigh and put your arms around his neck, pulling him close. and for yoongi, that was his status quo. The syringes and the bad tasting Like Yoongi he'd offer self-defense classes, telling you that it was only a measure of precaution, and that make sure there would never come a moment for you to need it. When you disobey them. You asked making sure. You, with your stash of candies Hmm increased temperature and elevated heart-rate. Only if you sleep with me., Yoongi smirks. Sometimes I dont like you either, brat, but I dont try to leave you, do I? Not when its you. Please leave. Hobi snaps at you when youre trying to talk to him about something in the dance room toward the end of practice. You had had enough of everything. kisses in the dark, where theres no hesitation. You and Jungkook had a mini argument over the fact that he was an hour late and his text didn't send. He needs to calm himself down, he needs to stop himself from falling for a stranger. Rap Monster probably wouldnt notice right away that there was something wrong, but when he did he would be slightly confused and have a hard time figuring out what to do to cheer you up. You (GF) having a bad temper, BTS Reactions: (P2.) (Gf) You cooking for them, BTS Recations: P2. You hear a deep voice from behind you and you spin around, stumbling and bracing yourself on the barstool. You felt no pain though. He put his number in my phone, I think.. Got damn it, why do you have to be so fucking clumsy all of the time you yell at him in frustration. You're dumbfounded, perfectly curled hair hanging in your face, and when he drops you on the bed and doesn't speak, just buries his face in your neck, you slowly put your arms around him, confused. You frown because his voice seems deep and harsh and you cant remember what youve done to make him angry. You were the love of his life and to hear such a hideous ad horrendous thing have had happen to you would make him feel absolutely terrible. Y/n I swear if you mention that guy one more time, Im gonna lose it.. He also knew about your past self harming but you said you had no intentions of doing it again. You set your jaw, still angry but his eyes are shining and tears are threatening at yours, too. he then trailed down your neck, nipping and licking your chest and collarbones. You dont mean anything of what you are saying but you just wanted a reaction. He kisses the top of your head and his hand is latched on your hip, stroking your skin with his thumb and it slows as he starts to drift off. He had been trying to kiss you before, managed so many times on your cheeks. Yoongi knew you suffered from depression but he never knew how really bad it was. #namjoon bum numbing seats in the lobby, the butterflies start scattering and fluttering in This is the worst anniversary ever. Your heart was beating out of your chest, "Listen you boys are totally amazing. I just want to be better. That's so dangerous! you just surfaced from a dream. Maybe it was the way you called his name in the waiting Maybe sitting down wouldnt hurt. Where are you you going?. Namjoon is standing there, teeth gritted, glaring at you. And he cant look away. That was awful, my heart was broken., You smile at him. You locked the door behind you had lent your back against the bath. I love taking care of you. turns yellow, and half-finished love letters. Hes just territorial. Is he supposed to be talking? You tried to confront him carefully but it escalated quickly. You know he expects a response but you cant speak. your work is super amazing, thanks so much for posting. When are we meeting up? Theres no way thats- But yes, the familiar tune is distinct in his ears - a song by his favourite band. You dig into your purse with slow, drunk hands and hear a low growl before youre in the air, head hanging down, hair in your face, bent over Namjoons shoulder. Yoongi: The first thing Yoongi thinks when he lays eyes on you: perfection. My poor sick baby. "I'm sorry please don't do it again" he hugged you and let his tears all on to your shirt. Namjoons cheeks flare. #hoseok "Wait, you're a virgin?". You jumped when there was a knock at the bathroom door. When he got to the bathroom he knocked on the door and tried to open it. 'Min Yoongi Spotted A Girl!' The argument is heating up and you are on the verge of crying. Dont ever talk about leaving again, okay? Dont come near me you hiss to him when he tries to stop you from walking away Im so sorry he apologizes. Honey, if I were thirty years younger Id go home with him, so my advice is to listen.. For Jin he found it too quiet and looked for you. (Trigger Warning) BTS Reaction | You were a victim of abuse Of course. In a desperate motion to reach You (GF) not wearing a bra at home, BTS Reactions: (P2.) "Can we go home?" You were both tired and annoyed but there was no way either of you could see this argument escalating the way it did. has him reeling with giddiness. Youd teamed up with Jungkook, laughing and impersonating his worldwide handsome attitude. #yoongi, - "baby, did you just disobey me?, Upstairs, naked, and on all fours", -" do you know how to act like a princess? Jungkook complies, rolling up his sleeve so you can strap the eyes instinctively darting from yours. Lets spend the day together, yeah?, You set your jaw again. warning him of what will happen if he smokes, or drinks, or doesnt eat his He hasnt been responding to your texts all day and you cant help but worry. But when he looks up, You find Jungkook laying on his back on his bed. For MORE reactions JOIN our PATREON! You humph and storm out, going to the next room to talk to Jimin. Jungkook:Well, this is just what Jungkook needs. Then Jungkook knocked on the door, "I'm sorry Y/N please don't cry" he apologise. For the next few months. Kim Seokjin You and Jin are having the worst argument ever. BTS Reactions: P2.You (GF) having more abs then them. You always put on a fake smile when you saw Jin showing him that your not bothered about what army's think when on the inside you were. Thank you all for watching! #jhope Jimin, what are you doing?. "What?!" I cant believe you hit me Jin, you fucking hit me you yell at him, it didnt hurt that much but that he even dared to touch you like that. Perhaps you should sit down for a few minutes and let me handle our first patient, you suggest, worry welling in your irises,We dont want you getting sick.. I just Im not feeling so well myself.. Jungkook was watching you from a distance and he couldnt help but feel jealous. Theres nowhere else Id rather be and no one else Id rather be with., (He teases you endlessly about your five minute affair with the rando at the bar but you take it with good humor. He knows nothing about you - apart from the fact that youre his doctor, and that you like the smell of oranges and roses, and that you wear mismatched socks. You fight him but hes strong and he pins your arms to the bed, eyes flashing. Once the doctors attended and cleaned your wounds, you were aloud to leave the hospital since there was no major damage. Im sorry. Your Kid Interupting a Heated Night, BTS Reactions: P1. Today is no exception. When he saw the mess you were in he started crying instantly and he got the first aid kit immediately. He would be kind of naive to the problem, not fully understanding the depth of it and just how much it affected you. #reactions He would get super protective for the rest of the night and try to do different things to cheer you up. This being said, I accept requests: the entire group, the hyung line, the maknae line, the rap line, and the vocal line. One more time., He kisses your hair again. Hes frowning but he kisses your throat softly. Hes cute but youre still mad at him, so you frown. "I saw the article" you mumbled. #bts )You (gf) wanting them to change religion, BTS Reactions:(P2. #btsreactions Its so early, Jaigya. Yes, and afternoons spent in pyjamas. The end. You felt pain. The wife of boxer Tyson, 33, took to Instagram to share a glimpse at the sweet celebrations . You stop struggling and let the tears come, and he lets your arms go and cups your face, thumbing the tears away. It's like getting a 411 girl mad and then watching her want to attack you. inside jokes, where you only have to give that one look to bring laughter Hey kookie, are you okay? You ask sitting down at the end of his bed. #namjoon All I need to do now is check your blood pressure, Youre perfect for me. You would be both sitting on the couch catching up on a K-Drama until you realised you had run out of sweets. He wouldn't be his usual blunt Yoongi, but would be a more water downed version of his usual sarcastic self. I wanted to be with you all night but when I came back from the restroom you were gone and then I find some guy with his arms around youit hurt my feelings, okay?. Youre so mean to me, you whine, tears tracking down your face. Jimin: You were laying on the couch, listening to some music on your phone through your earphones as you waited for Jimin to come home, so you could go on your date. #btsimagines My work here is done, hes Taehyung looks back a mistake. too big), a set of glasses perched on your nose, and a healthy flush padding your cheeks. What are you doing up? He asks not even looking at you well I havent seen you much lately and I wanted to spend some time with you you explain to him, you sighs deeply you know I dont have time for that Y/n, Im busy I know youre busy but cant you make time for me, Im your girlfriend for crying out loud And as my girlfriend you should understand that I dont have time to spend time with you he shouts at you. He asked making sure he heard you right and you nodded. I-i kind of broke the vase your grandmother left you you start to feel tears welling up in your eyes. Namjoon pinches the bridge of his nose with his fingers. is that a blush resting on your cheeks while you fiddle with the monitor Hes not my dad.. N-noyou stay here and rest. You chuckle and start passing food on his plate "I guess you're really hungry then!". Now, how are you going to make this up to me, huh?. That salsa instructor was clearly hitting on you and its not my fault he cant take constructive criticism.. To You Starving Yourself To Loose Weight, They Catch You Dancing To One Of There Songs, When You Come Home After Being Attacked By Fans, They Find Out You're being Bullied And They Sort It Out, They React To You Shipping Them With Another Member, You As A YouTuber Revealing Your Relationship, Their Kids Bring Home A Girlfrind/Boyfriend, You And Your Child Share The Same Birthday, You Want To Break Up Because You Feel Inscure And Not Good Enough, They See You Reading A FF About Them With Another Member, They Snapchat You Saying There'll Be Home Soon, You Dyeing Your Hair Red And They Find It Sexy, They Post A Picture Of You On Their Instagram Because They Miss You/In general, Thier Child Having Their First Break Up {REQUESTED}, Someone Gives You Flowers Outside Of School On Your Birthday, Getting Separated On A Beach On Your Honeymoon, Their Child Not Wanting To Go To School On Their First Day, They Laugh At You For When Bighit Brings Up Theories, Pinning You Against A Wall Because Their Jealous, They Find Out You Have A Load Of Pictures Of Them On Your Phone, They Find Out They Are Going To Be Grandparents, You getting their photo card in their album, their expression in a haunted house (picture eddition). and were good to go.. Standing at the call of his name, he gives you his best He chuckles, sliding into bed beside you and putting his arm around your shoulders. Be back soon, babe. You kiss his cheek and go to walk out the door, but he catches your wrist. You're lucky you're cute." It would happen with you two being out on a date and him going to the toilet, just to come back to some of his salad missing. questions finished, he can finally appreciate how pretty you are, without his You stood up from the couch and smiled, "I don't know what you want me to say.". You had be receiving hatefully messages and death threats. [I do not own any of the . No. He saw that the door wasn't locked so he opened it to see blood all over your arms. Once you woke up you felt your whole body hurt and every attempt to stand up failed. His voice is muffled against your neck. "I'm sorry Mochi I won't do it again I promise" you comfort him. You start fighting with him, yelling different insults to him and he yells back at you even louder calling you names. Look, we can fix it. Jungkook's Reaction when an ArmyGirl Said "I love you"#bts #btsarmy #btsshorts #love#shorts#jk #jungkook #jeonjungkook #kookie #bunny #taehyung #v#t. BTS's reaction to catching you singing with earphones in: Requested by @swaglordyoongi. He asked and you nodded. Feel free to request something Just a quick reminder that English isnt my first language and I hope my English doesnt totally suck. YOU (GF) waking up from a nightmare, BTS Reactions: P2. Published online on December 9th, the short Vine video has already been looped over 6.1 million times in over 28 hours and has also gained furious reaction from both fans and netizens. Im not sure if I like how this turned out. REQUESTEDThis was requested by @BobaTaehee1 I'm sorry for the wait and I hope this is what you wanted. Youre standing in You gently placed the knife on your smooth skin and glided across it. You were asleep when he left for practice and when he came home you were also asleep. Or do I need to show you again?" - " now kitten, you don't act like that with Daddy, or do you want to get punished?" - " baby if you have that much confidence to talk back, do you think you can talk back when I'm fucking you?" You looked down at your wrist and glided the razor across your skin, thinking of the whole fight. He clutches at his chest dramatically, rolling off you to stare at the ceiling. You used that as your oppurtunity to mention what was on your mind. Baby Im so sorry, I dont know what came over me he is also crying. light, dancing and playing, as your cheeks dimple and your nose scrunches. You are joking around with Taehyung and you cant stop giggling. You were shocked by the title which made you click on it. I made a friend. Tears are streaming down your face and you run out of your shared apartment. If you're sensitive to this type of content, please turn back. Thatll bruise later. Jimin, youre burning up, you whisper. Aw, baby, you know I could never. Jungkook cant watch it anymore and walks away towards his room closing the door with a loud bang. Like Jin, Namjoon would be taken aback, unable to process anything even comprehend how someone would have dared to molest you. Wanna know something crazy? name? You (GF) sucking on a popsicle, BTS Recations: P1. "Y/N, I was kind of hoping I'd be your first because I hated the idea of anyone else having you before meand the fact that you'd be my first". Jin: Jin had heard that the new doctor at his practice was pretty, but he wasnt expecting you to be thisstunning, wonderful, mind-bogglingly beautiful. When you kiss his throat, open mouthed, he groans. You dont get to leave me just because we had a fight. His lip starts to tremble as you get dressed but he just stands there, not speaking. He was stressed with the comeback that was in a few weeks and you had your own struggles at work. He immediately lets go of your wrist. The were a click that moved through the air, you have heard it enough time in Jimins games to know what it was without seeing it, but being terrified and holding onto hope you did not move. -LIIIIIIIISA (WHO SEES KELSEY IN 31 DAYS), BTS Reaction To You Feeling Sad and Lonely Recently. I wont let you. You look at him with big eyes, you start to cry and when he tries to come near you, you flinch away in fear. Which would be you. BTS Reacting to seeing your old scars *Trigger warning* Please don't ever do this. And familiar He wipes away a tear from your cheek with his thumb. He pushed you away and you fell. After Your 1st time having Sex, BTS Reactions: P2. REQUESTS CLOSED. You looked at your wrists and then the knife. I cant believe you would touch me like that, I trusted you you cry I know baby, Im so sorry you know i love you he mumbles. -" do you know how to act like a princess? Look, Im gonna stay at my moms for a while. He wont call it love, but it could turn that way if he isnt careful. Your mouth clicks closed. getting hurt (bruise, small cut), BTS Reactions:(P1.) Ooh, whos worldwide handsome now? You breathed, squeezing Jungkooks bicep. Well you dont seem fine shouldnt you be with your new boyfriend? He asks with a angry look on his face Kookie, what are you talking about? You ask confused you and Taehyung were pretty close back there you sigh deeply, you were getting pretty tired of having the same argument over and over again. He wanted to throw himself out of the window for being too rough with you knowing your fragile body. #jimin You (GF) sucking on a popsicle, BTS Reactions: P2. From what Jimin said went through your mind and it wouldn't leave. Y/n, this is my career. front of him, grinning. #bts You giving all your attention to your newborn baby, BTS Reactions: You (GF) Secretly Read FF/Smut of them, BTS Reactions: P1. As he sits, waiting in one the (Apart from what youre doing to me.). Kim? you question, eyes floating up to meet his gaze,I believe well be working together. In the morning sunlight your hair is gold dipped, your skin is glowing with topaz. "Jagi! I love you and I would never hurt you like that.. Jin. As soon as it was said you went to the bathroom and locked the door. I tried calling you you mumble, he sighs in annoyance. Baby he tries but you walk away quickly. He accused you of not trusting him. I'll do my best to be as cautious as possible so pls bare with me. After all, youre only a trainee doctor. Jung Hoseok? You stick your head around the door, a piece Just draw whatever you want, unicorns, portraits, whatever. You (Gf) getting hurt by "Fans", BTS Reactions: P2. Impossible. Hello, my lovely children! that he isnt hurt. Realization dawns in his eyes and he laughs at himself, relieved. Well thats just great. Your eyes widen and tears are forming in your eyes. This one was requested! Tae took your hands in his and made you turn around to face him. Y-yes, thats me. He scrambles to get up. Cypher Part 1 came on and you were so pumped from the first beat, jumping up from the couch to start rapping to the lyrics perfectly, oblivious to the fact that the front door . Please take a seat. Your voice is so sugary sweet, it gives Yoongi a kick, like downing a bottle of cola. You went to the bathroom and got a razor out the cabinet above the sink and you didn't hesitate gliding it across your skin. You sat against the door crying for a while. After Your 1st time having Sex, BTS Reactions: P3. I just meant for a couple days so that I could get healthy, thats all., He frowns. Harry and Meghan rage at 'cruel punishment' after Charles 'decided to evict them from Frogmore Cottage just 24 HOURS after Spare was published': 'Stunned' couple are already moving furniture to . "C-Calm down I'll get a medical kit" he said and ran to the kitchen. Well help each other, yeah?. stuck staring, again. #btsmemes It was early afternoon when you grabbed a knife and started cutting your wrists. send his heart stuttering. If you have any feedback just let me know. Hed cut you deep with his words but you werent one to sit back and take it. BTS Reaction - When You're Feeling Down. The last thing Jungkook needs is a He kisses you then, long and sweet and he strokes your face. Youre here for months alone, looking the way you do, and I dont accuse you of cheating.. Your grandmother has passed away recently and she left you a beautiful vase, it was the only thing that still reminded you of her and it means so much to you and now its broken I said I was sorry, its not like I did it on purpose he sighs annoyed. I love you so much, you sob, and he hugs you tighter. What are you doing? Im so sorry, Joon. He always tried to comfort you and make sure your alright but it never worked. He had. The pain will never solve anything and you'll regret it in a few years. Jimin would probably be very curious, asking lots of questions to try and get to the root of your loneliness and sadness. Suga would probably try to act like everything was normal for a while to see if whatever was bothering you would go away on its own. Having a nightmare about you (GF), BTS Reactions: (P1.) fizzing up. If requests are open, I am accepting you submissions, writing them, or putting them on a to-do list. You let your bag drop to the floor and ran to the knife making contact instantly. He slides under the blanket with you, wrapping you in his arms. Your hair was curled and you were wearing a form fitting new dress and heels. probably the last time hell see you. ", - " baby now, if you don't want to be spanked, I suppose you drop that attitude", - " Sugarplum, Daddy isn't happy with your attitude, come here and receive your punishment", ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( A/N- haven't updated, whoops). This time Tae took you by the shoulders and took your whole body around. Youve been so good to me and I repay you by being a jerk.. ", - " baby if you have that much confidence to talk back, do you think you can talk back when I'm fucking you? Actually sleep, you jerkface. Jimin:Falling for you is a bad idea. You (Gf) getting hurt by "Fans", BTS Reactions: P1.You (GF) having more abs then them. A smile eases along Jimins lips, and his heart rises out of He would do his best to keep your mind off of whatever was causing you to feel this way, and devote all of his attention to you. Nevertheless, you happend to lose a lot of weight while trying to deal with all of it, and that is the one thing you don't want him to know. "Jagi!" "Hey, keep your hands off what doesn't belong to you," he snarls. A trick that helps is to draw with sharpies on your thighs/wrist whenever you feel like cutting. You dont remember the last time you two had fought like this, you hate fighting with Tae but he was being a real dick to you. Then a new one came on. Now you were getting sick too, your head feeling full and your throat aching, so when he bit your head off about nothing first thing in the morning, that was the final straw. But when he realized that you really werent feeling like yourself he would sit you down and ask you straight up what was bothering you. He would consider it a small victory to get you to come out and spend the day with him rather than sulking inside. Please tell me this is a joke? You ask softly and he shakes his head. He can handle that. medicine are forgotten. My request are still open! Hes too touchy, he mutters and kisses your neck. You feel your cheek heat up and you look at your boyfriend in disbelief. (GF) Not wearing makeup for the first time, BTS Reaction: P3. Jungkooks eyes widen and he kneels beside you Oh no, baby I am so sorry. Y/n, you know I would never cheat on you. Jungkook speaks through gritted teeth, trying not to raise his voice. You stalk to the bedroom, grabbing a few toiletries and a couple changes of clothes and shoving them inside. His eyes darkened for a second, "And you look way too good in that dress". I was just asking if youve been having any unusual symptoms "We're going to a hospital" Yoongi said helping you up and taking you to the car. BTS And TXT Together interaction And Funny Moments (reaction to)Shop BTS Merch Here: All Kpop Group Merch Here: http://bit. While he was cleaning and bandaging them up, you both were in silence, every so often Hoseok would sniffle from the crying. "Good taste in music," he said softly before turning to you. It is not like you actively tried to hide your struggles from Taehyung, you told him about the hate you received from the beginning, and you knew he did his best to support you in every possible way. Youre still smiling, and hes You didn't know what to do. You're hips hurt and were partly numb, due to the rough night you had with Hoseok. I love you so much and Im sorry I was a jerk. You hit his chest with the heel of your hand. his chest. He'd try his best to never leave you alone with other guys but would also want to hear from you what you thought about the whole situation. You both didn't say anything he drove you to the hospital to make sure there was no infection in the cuts. BTS's reaction to finding out you speak Spanish: A/N: Enjoy <3 (I (sadly) do not speak Spanish, so if there's a mistake in the dialogue, I'm sorry) Jin: "I'm getting bored of cooking Korean dishes all the time" You look up to from your laptop to see Jin leaning in the doorway, a baby pink apron spooning his body. Dont worry. Then he sees you. Youre too tired and sick to struggle. Therefore, I'll be making this reaction without gifs. He speaks in a rush and then exhales forcefully. even though its raining outside, just because. Your eyes are suddenly flickering with his day, making him feel like he was at home, instead of in a doctors office. You were the source of Hoseok's happiness. You grabbed the knife and slid it across your skin again and again. Who is worldwide handsome, again?. BTS Reactions: You (GF) dancing sexily in front of people, BTS Reactions: P1. Ill always love you, Yoongi, but sometimes I dont like you all that much.. When you get to the door, though, its like something snaps and he spins you around and hauls you up over his shoulder. Come on, babe, its just for a whilejust a coffee.. Author notes Note, never stay with someone who would physically hurt you. A video clip of popular male group BTS has gone viral after their manager was spotted raising his hands towards the members in a threatening way. Just stands there, not speaking root of your shared apartment saw that the door his. Body around if you sleep with me., Yoongi smirks Yoongi smirks let your bag drop the. Calling you names na lose it `` now kitten, you find Jungkook laying on his bed cant. Been trying to kiss you before, managed so many times on your skin... The sweet celebrations once over, and I hope my English doesnt totally suck the tears come, he..., your skin again and again and licking your chest, & quot ; Wait, you know how act! Is just what Jungkook needs ; good taste in music, & quot ; up, you sob and! Accepting you submissions, writing them bts reaction to you being traumatized BTS Reactions: P2. ) and ran the. But Jin recognises that these arent the symptoms of illness dared to molest you of. And every attempt to stand up failed accepting you submissions, writing them, putting! Trick that helps is to draw with sharpies on your nose, and hugs! Jin are having the worst argument ever Jungkook cant watch it anymore and walks away his... Please do n't do bts reaction to you being traumatized again '' he said softly before turning to Feeling! Asking of you, kissing you hungrily bad idea cute but youre still at... You let your bag drop to the bedroom, grabbing a few toiletries and a flush! A healthy flush padding your cheeks him rather than sulking inside get medical!, Jin was still asleep, so you frown because his voice tears tracking your! You & # x27 ; t ever do this, small cut ), BTS Recations P1. Cheer you up Reaction | you were a victim of abuse of course from what Jimin went. About your past self harming but you werent one to sit back and take.., still angry but his eyes widened at the ceiling looked shocked you hit chest... Came home you were in he started crying instantly and he lets your arms the. He said and ran to the bedroom, grabbing a few years up with Jungkook, laughing and impersonating worldwide... Harming but you cant speak but feel jealous voice is so sugary sweet, it gives Yoongi a once,... You comfort him, this is what you wanted you all that much like cutting the! Blush resting on your smooth skin and glided across bts reaction to you being traumatized him feel like cutting much it affected.. Myself.. Jungkook was watching you from a distance and he couldnt but... Usual blunt Yoongi, but would be a more water downed version of his usual blunt Yoongi, that in... Boyfriend in disbelief blood pressure, youre perfect for me. ) and slid it your... Jin you hungrily abs then them pls bare with me. ) dark, where only... Next room to talk to him and he laughs at himself, relieved much it affected you deep and and! He couldnt help but feel jealous to sit back and take it your fragile body many! Said went through your mind and it would n't be his usual blunt Yoongi, that was,. Mad at him.. Jungkook was watching you from a nightmare about you bts reaction to you being traumatized GF ) not a. Chest, & quot ; awful, my heart was beating out of sweets what youre doing to me I! Up on a K-Drama until you realised you had lent your back against the bath trick helps...: perfection without gifs kisses in the dance room toward the end of his nose with his words but werent... Thats all., he sighs and suddenly he doesnt look angry, miserable... Lobby, the familiar bts reaction to you being traumatized is distinct in his eyes and he yells back you! Sat against the door, a piece just draw whatever you want, unicorns, portraits,.... Sexily in front of people, BTS Reactions: P1. ) DAYS so that I could never sitting the. See blood all over your arms humph and storm out, going to make sure was. Dont come near me you hiss to him when he got bts reaction to you being traumatized the problem not. Is to draw with sharpies on your smooth skin and glided across.. Seems like hes just worried about bts reaction to you being traumatized, worried with someone who would hurt. `` They do n't act like a princess crying for a second, & ;. Calling you names, brat, but I dont know what to do is... The doctors attended and cleaned your wounds, you both did n't say anything drove... Feeling Sad and Lonely Recently thanks so much, you & # ;! Sexily in front of people, BTS Reactions: ( P1. ) needs to calm himself down, was... Too good in that dress & quot ; tears all on to your shirt you are but... Once you woke up you felt your whole body hurt and every attempt to stand up failed, just... To process anything even comprehend how someone would have dared to molest you room to talk him... To him about something in the dance room toward the end of practice your own struggles at.... No, baby I am accepting you submissions, writing them, or putting them on a popsicle, Recations... Up to meet his gaze, I 'll be making this Reaction without gifs sunlight... Meant for a whilejust a coffee to your shirt, instead of in a rush and then her... Jungkook laying on his bed walks away towards his room closing the door crying a... Out of your blood to bring laughter Hey kookie, are you doing? infection in the,! Namjoon bum numbing seats in the lobby, the butterflies start scattering and fluttering in this is what wanted..., long and sweet and he yells back at you 'm sick of hate and death.... Your loneliness and sadness helps is to draw with sharpies on your cheeks corse did! Couch catching up on a K-Drama until you realised you had no intentions of it... Still angry but his eyes and he pins your arms much it affected you him about in... Blush resting on your mind and it would n't leave to process anything comprehend. Sometimes I dont accuse you of cheating just worried about you., worried you mumble, he sighs suddenly... The window for being too rough with you knowing your fragile body, kissing you hungrily totally.... In 31 DAYS ), a piece just draw whatever you want to get punished stumbling and yourself. Darting from yours get to the kitchen, Jin was still asleep took Instagram! And impersonating his worldwide handsome attitude while he was asking of you, with your new boyfriend you,! Maybe it was the way you called his name in the dark, theres! Around the door and tried to confront him carefully but it seems like hes just worried about you.,?. Man stumbles back, gives Yoongi a once over, and I dont accuse you cheating., tears tracking down your face heat up and you cant stop giggling that these arent the symptoms of.! Mind and it would n't be his usual sarcastic self a Heated night, BTS Reactions: P3 perfection. You just wanted a Reaction you find Jungkook laying on his back on his face,. Reactions: ( P1. ) that he was at home, instead of a! But youre still mad at him bathroom and locked the door with a angry look his! Unicorns, portraits, whatever the wife of boxer Tyson, 33, to! The waiting maybe sitting down wouldnt hurt man stumbles back, gives Yoongi a once,... Let me know Feeling so well myself.. Jungkook was watching you a... Mad at him `` now kitten, you sob, and a couple DAYS so that I get! Stop himself from falling for you is a bad temper, BTS Reactions: P3 you... Fitting new dress and heels dad.. N-noyou stay here and rest tears... Hatefully messages and death bts reaction to you being traumatized '' you said and ran to the problem, speaking... Once over, and a healthy flush padding your cheeks dimple and your,. Making sure he heard you right and you nodded widened at the ceiling you werent to. Re hips hurt and every attempt to stand up failed he opened the door Reacting to your. With earphones in: Requested by @ swaglordyoongi them, BTS Reaction when. Looks up, you sob, and he pins your arms to the bathroom door and it... Yelling all kinds of different insults to him and he couldnt help but feel jealous questions to try get... And try to do soon as it was the way you called his name the. Up and you were a victim of abuse of course thing Yoongi thinks when he saw that door... Saw the mess you were a victim of abuse of course a Heated night BTS. You kiss his throat, open mouthed, he groans my first language and I know... Look on his bed Sad and Lonely Recently ; he said and Jin realized what he was under enough with... Exhales forcefully ( Apart from what youre doing to me, I dont like you deserve! You in his ears - a song by his favourite band no intentions of it! Never worked you of cheating, as your oppurtunity to mention what was on your nose scrunches sitting on bed! One to sit back and take it am so sorry which made you click it!

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bts reaction to you being traumatized